I first read this book about four or five years ago and when I joined Goodreads I only gave it a 3 star rating, remembering only that I had enjoyed it but not enough to make a lasting impression. I didn't realise there was more to the series until I stumbled upon the second book in a secondhand book store. Right there I decided I would find the third book also and read the series as a whole.
On my second read of Dairy Queen, my immediate thoughts of how funny and touching it managed to be, often both in the space of a sentence. I felt much more connected with DJ this time around, and her running monologue really made me feel as if I was inside her head and understanding her came easy. I was especially moved by her 'I am a cow' realisation - it is a very interesting and original way to view the girl. DJ is not the typical character found in YA Lit, something that grabbed me straight away and made me like her so much.
Hence my updated rating to 4 stars. Maybe I had to be a little older and wiser to appreciate this book, I'm not sure. A fun read, but one with a great message to young girls (and boys) - don't be a cow!