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Crash My Book Party

Another Christie gem

By the Pricking of My Thumbs - Agatha Christie

Wow that doll face is creepy! At the time I never guessed the significance of it to the story but I should have realised that with Christie, every little detail plays a part. This was my first introduction to Tommy and Tuppence, who I have stumbled upon quite a few years later (according to the book's timeline) from their previous adventures. This did not impact my reading experience in any way, as like with the Poirot books, Christie's mystery books can be picked up at any point throughout the series and don't have to be read in chronological order.

On reading the first few chapters, I couldn't help but find myself having a giggle - Christie manages to infuse her novels with wit and humour that really makes an enjoyable experience for the reader. However, while Christie mysteries are often labelled 'cozy' or 'armchair' - and I see the reason for this, they're the type of book you can picture yourself reading tucked up in a comfy armchair beside the fireplace! - and her main characters can be an older, certainly very unlikely, couple, nonetheless these books be accredited with clever twists and turns and always thrilling anticipation as you find yourself coming closer and closer to catching the killer. There's those moments when you catch onto something and the moments when you realise you were wrong but you 'had an idea about that guy!'

Agatha Christie is still, and always will be, the queen of mysteries